Tell your representative to say “NO” to non-citizen voting

Governor Scott vetoed a bill that would allow people who are not U.S. Citizens to vote in some towns, but not others, on local issues like municipal and school budgets. But the Montpelier Majority has overturned the Governor’s veto and rushed this into law, even though it will create different rules for different towns. you can contact your local select board or city council to tell them you oppose this change for some of the following reasons:

-The Vermont Constitution clearly says that U.S. Citizens over 18 are qualified to vote in Vermont elections.

-Town Clerks will have to create a separate checklist, which would indirectly make someone’s citizenship status a matter of public records.

-Since each district’s school budget will affect the overall statewide education tax, non-citizens will be voting on issues that affect other towns and school districts.

-If non-citizens want to be able to vote, we need to help them achieve ALL of their State and Federal voting rights by becoming a citizen not creating new separate categories.