REPEAL The military Pension tax!

Those who serve in our military have already sacrificed some of the best earning years of their lives. Some have even sacrificed being home for the most precious and early years of their children’s lives. Some who are deployed into active combat zones return home having literally sacrificed life and limb - and in many cases their mental health.

After their sacrifice the State of Vermont is one of only three states in the country that ask them to keep sacrificing after they have completed their military service buy FULLY TAXING every dollar of their military pensions.

This is unconscionable. And on pure moral grounds we ought to repeal this tax.

But not only is it the right thing to do - it’s also the smart thing to do. Some members of the military join at age 17, and can retire at age 37. These people bring incredibly valuable skills and experience in fields like nursing, engineering and IT that Vermont employers are looking for. They also bring a spirit of service and sacrifice to help strengthen our local town and municipal governments, our school communities and recreational leagues.

Let’s do the right thing and the smart thing and invite our nations heroes to make Vermont their home.

SIGN THE PETITION below to let the General Assembly know that you want a FULL REPEAL of the Military Pension Tax.